How to See Posts you’ve Liked on Instagram

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How to See Posts you’ve Liked on Instagram

How to see posts you've liked on Instagram

Liked Instagram posts are a very common activity among users. Over 1 billion monthly active Instagram users generally spend 30 minutes a day on the app. This means that a significant number of likes are being given and received on the platform daily. Additionally, Instagram is known for having a high engagement rate. Studies show that all the posts on the platform receive an average of 4.21% engagement per follower. This means that even a small number of likes can have a big impact on the visibility and reach of an Instagram post. Here’s how to see posts you’ve liked on Instagram:

To view all multiple Instagram posts, you can do the following:

  1. Open Instagram app on your mobile device, iPhone, or Android app.
  2. Tap on your profile icon to go to your profile page.
  3. Tap and hold the heart icon (bottom right corner of the screen).
  4. A list of the liked posts will appear. You can scroll through the list to view all your liked posts and previously liked photos.

Alternatively, you can also view your recently liked posts by visiting your profile on the desktop version of Instagram. To do this:

  1. Open a web browser and go to the Instagram app.
  2. Tap on the account icon and log in to your account page.
  3. Click on your profile picture (upper right corner of the screen).
  4. Click the three dots at the top right corner of your profile.
  5. Select “Posts You’ve Liked” from the drop-down menu.

Please keep in mind that this feature might not be available in all regions.

Benefits of Liked Posts on the Instagram App

Liked Instagram posts can have a few benefits for both the person who is doing the liking and the person whose post is being liked. Some of the potential benefits include the following:

  1. Supporting and encouraging others: Liked posts on Instagram can be a way to show your support and appreciation for their content, which can help to strengthen their confidence and motivation to continue creating content.
  2. Building relationships: Liked posts and commenting on other people’s Instagram posts, you can start to build relationships with them, which can lead to opportunities for collaboration or networking.
  3. Expanding your reach: All liked posts, including comments, videos, and recent photos, can increase their chances of seeing your content and potentially following you or engaging with your posts.
  4. Improving engagement on your posts: When you view posts, and you’re actively engaging with others on your Instagram feed, they are more likely to engage with your content as well.
  5. Discovering new content: when you like a post from the accounts you are following, Instagram’s algorithm may show you more content from similar accounts, leading you to discover new accounts and content that you may not have found otherwise.

Liked Instagram Posts Summary

In conclusion, to find posts on Instagram is a simple process that can be done both on the mobile app and the web version of the platform. This feature is a great way to keep track of the content you enjoy and can be a helpful tool for discovering new accounts and content that you may have missed otherwise. And overall, liking and engaging with others’ posts can benefit both the person doing the engagement and the person whose post is being engaged with.